Success from Day One equals proper training for all on the Davis-Bacon Act compliance.
Providing clear, understandable training to your key staff and subcontractors takes the uneasiness and confusion out of the equation and increases compliance.


Certified payroll reporting can be straight forward.

Training Seminars


Learn about labor reporting requirements on Prevailing Wage and Davis-Bacon Act projects.


Implement or adjust a company's internal process for Prevailing Wage and Davis-Bacon Act projects.


Post project evaluation on difficulties on Prevailing Wage and Davis-Bacon Act projects. Identifying and adjusting a company's internal processes helps ensure success on the next project.


Lower Costs

Understanding and planning your labor costs before workers are onsite helps reduce labor costs. 

Team Approach

Labor reporting is a team approach from the estimating department to accounting to the onsite supervisors. Understanding each team members needs are vital for success. 

Confidence in the Team

A detailed plan leads to confidence for your team from day one when paired with training.